It's Getting Cold—What to Buy to Stay Warm, Look Expensive, and Not Spend a Ton

Pretty straightforward, right? As we all know, winter is just around the corner, and for those of us who are about to experience significant temperature drops, that means transitioning our wardrobes from one that looks cold weather ready to one that actually is prepared for anything the season can throw our way.

For me, that often means busting out my hats, scarves, and gloves; pushing lighter jackets to the back of my closet and bringing heavier ones closer to the front; switching to thicker and warmer knitwear; and, of course, doing a bit of shopping. On the topic of the latter, I always start a search by seeing what I can find on the budget-friendly side, and my recent dive came up with more treasures than I could have expected—43 of them to be exact—and that was after I did some major editing. To see what ended up making the cut of my affordable winter fashion roundup, simply keep scrolling. 

Your basic long-sleeve, only warmer and more special.

This skirt is so good I have it in two colors.

I think it's obvious why our readers love these.

This was on my TikTok FYP two weeks ago, and I haven't stopped thinking about it since.

Sometimes, it's too cold to just cover your neck.

I wish I was wearing these right now.

This would look so cute under a cropped sweater.

It's taken me seven NYC winters to learn that an exposed ankle just isn't worth it sometimes.

My favorite neckline at the moment.

If beanies just aren't your thing…

Perfect for hiding your Pilates outfit.

So cute—I'm going to try extra hard not to misplace one.

Wear them with boots, sneakers, heels, and more.

Nordstrom is giving the people what they want.

I'm very into gray right now.

I'd style this with Mary Janes and a leather coat.

When it comes to scarves, the bigger the better.

I'm not even a dress person, but I want this.

If you love Jenni Kayne's sweaters, you'll definitely love its beanies.